Thursday, July 29, 2010

Poll Pharyngulation

One of the blogs I read regularly is PZ Myers' Pharyngula blog.  Lots of really good stuff.  His blog description is, "Evolution, development, and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal."  What's not to like?  Anyway, one of the fun things that PZ likes to do is Pharyngulate polls.  For example, the Livingston Parish School Board is fully intending to add Creationism to its science teaching as I posted earlier this week.

The Livingston Parish News web site decided to run a poll.  The question is, "Do you think Livingston Parish public schools should teach creationism?"  The poll results at the time PZ posted this were:

Yes, evolution is a lie 22%
Yes, so children can hear both sides 35%
No, religion has no place in science class 29%
No, we don't need to waste tax money on lawsuits 13%
Don't know 1%

After unleashing his Cephalopod Hounds, the poll results now look like this:

Yes, evolution is a lie 3%
Yes, so children can hear both sides 5%
No, religion has no place in science class 88%
No, we don't need to waste tax money on lawsuits 3%
Don't know 2%

This makes me giggle.  He he.

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