Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Movie Review - Tangled

I had my kids for Thanksgiving, so we went to see Tangled on Wednesday.  I don't think my son was all that excited for it since he is 12 now and those are girly movies.  My daughter was more than happy to see it.  I think my son warmed up to it thought.

Disney has certainly done better in the past with Beauty and the Beast and a few others, but I thought this movie was entertaining.  What makes a good Disney cartoon is the villain, and Tangled had a doozie.  She was sweetly vile and wicked.  Also, there needs to be a good pet sidekick and the chameleon certainly had his moments as well.

Overall, not a bad effort from Disney.  One thing I was surprised about was in the opening studio sequence it was revealed that this was the 50th Disney animated movie.  I'm kind of surprised I had not seen that marketed more than it was.

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